From lovable python terminal its possible to get list of all installed python libraries. Here is the piece of cake for you that I already tested. Try from yourself too :)
Open your python terminal doesn't matter whatever OS you are using(As of now I' using windows. Type following command
Output of above print will be as:
(astroid 1.0.1 (c:\python27\lib\site-packages), BeautifulSoup 3.2.1 (c:\python27\lib\site-packages), blinker 1.3 (c:\python27\lib\site-packages),....
Open your python terminal doesn't matter whatever OS you are using(As of now I' using windows. Type following command
from pkg_resources import WorkingSet , DistributionNotFound
working_set = WorkingSet()
# Printing all installed modules
print tuple(working_set)
# Detecting if module is installed
dep = working_set.require('paramiko>=1.0')
except DistributionNotFound:
Output of above print will be as:
(astroid 1.0.1 (c:\python27\lib\site-packages), BeautifulSoup 3.2.1 (c:\python27\lib\site-packages), blinker 1.3 (c:\python27\lib\site-packages),....
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